Sunday 22 June 2014

20 Businesses for an Awesome Future. Articles and Essays.


Create jobs now: Free market technologies for Food, Water, Finance, Nutrition and Pollution.

(Note: Essays are on Quora for now. Click on the "close and go to first answer" tab, when the prompt box appears. Otherwise you'll have to log on.) 




NEW PDF! Create One Billion Jobs. Now on Selz.



A Few Random Ideas For Singapore's Economic Future

Scottish Independence

How can forgotten technology help Scotland achieve lasting independence?

Food and Water Solutions 

How Could Google, Tesla and Silicon Valley Solve World Hunger and Still Make a Profit?

What Devices Could Solve Water Scarcity and Create Jobs?

Why is the UK media pushing insects as a viable solution for world hunger?

Could Rapid Growth Organic Crops Make a Substantial Dent in World Hunger?

Nutrition Solutions

How Can Alex Jones and Bright Side Ben Speed Up the Health Renaissance?

Solutions For Unemployment

How Could 2014 Graduates and Unemployed Workers Create Their Own Jobs and Industries?

(Major Article. Work-In-Progress)

Solutions For Poverty

Does Crowdfunding Education have Huge Growth Potential?

Solutions For Information Overload

How Could Wiki Communities Crowdsolve Major World Problems As Soon As Possible?

How to Start a Grassroots Wildfire

Old Posts

The Great Awakening (2009)


A wiki, where we can collaboratively write more chapters.

Check back for more updates!


Twitter: @Frodonomics

* * * * * 


Open Letter to Graduates + The Unemployed

Creating Jobs with Forgotten Technology

1. Open Letter.
2. Translation Project. 
3. Grassroots Distribution.


Open Letter: Rise of The Ultralights


Dear Graduates and Unemployed Workers,

Welcome to the 2014 job market.

Welcome to scrapping over scarce positions and feeling surplus. Are there alternatives to scrabbling for the bottom rung of the corporate ladder?

I'm a researcher in future technology. I crammed 30 ultralight businesses into one letter. 

These are SHELVED Ideas with the potential to open new markets, create jobs, and decrease social tensions. Tons of solutions to:

1) Famine 
2) Malnutrition 
3) Water scarcity 
4) Financial inequality 
5) Pollution. 

Artificial scarcity can be tackled kilo by kilo, liter by liter.

If you're on the receiving end of this technology, you're standard of living increases. If you're making and selling it. You get a job. Win/Win.

I'll show new financial technology to fund this over the next ten years.

It won't be easy, but a scrappy plan is better than no plan at all.

Everywhere I look, I see people floundering directionless under sheet metal skies.


Food Jobs in 5 Years
Businesses that Solve Food Supply Problems

Solar Dehydration
Rapid Growth Crops
Low Budget Vertical Farms
Consumer Funded Food Safety Labs.

- Graduates of the future will help market stalls reduce wasted food
by selling solar dehydrator units, or offering a pay per kilo
dehydration service.

- Demand for intelligent preservation, distribution and storage will increase.

- Modern farming consultants will help apartment owners and
corporations set up indoor or rooftop gardens.

- Universities will become havens for organic agricultural experiments.

- Nightschools will teach square foot gardening and other space
intensive techniques.

- Aquaponics will dramatically increase yields in unfarmable spaces.

- Rapid growth crops such as Alfalfa, which grows from seed to edible
sprout in a weekend, may enjoy a resurgence.

- Consumer funded food safety labs will take food oversight from the
hands of pay-per-result auditors and overworked government labs.

Financing Peaceful Social Change

OK. but how to fund this?

Do we want to live as debt slaves for another 50 years?

No one can wave a magic wand and sort out this chaos overnight.

Finance is dominated by corporate banking, wrongheaded monetary
policies and quiet room cronyism.
Half the world lives on less than two dollars a day.

If current financial trends continue, society will have a painful road
to free market liberation.
If a surgical effort is not made to identify precise solutions to
pressing problems, progress will be slow.

Financial trends which could reorient the next decade are crashing
into the mainstream.

Businesses that Solve Poverty

Localized Crowdfunding.
Specialized Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding Radio
Crowdfinancing Tuition.
Open Source Monetization.

Finance Jobs:

- Grassroots financiers of the future will brainstorm new revenue streams.

- Independent crowdfunding schools will teach forgotten entrepreneurial skills.

- Crowdfunding radio will provide the crucial link between funding
portals, innovators and the wider public.

- Localized, walk in crowdfunding startups will regenerate towns and cities.

- Specialized crowdfunding websites will create huge niche markets.

- Niche crowdfunding is already huge, Honeyfund has already generated
over 100 million dollars worth of revenue just for funding Honeymoons.


Pollution Solutions

2 unavoidable truths:

1) Our biosphere is poisoned.
2) We may have time to sort it out.

Armageddon has been postponed again and again due to lack of interest.

If there is an environmental problem, you can be fairly sure of two things.

1) Someone has already solved it.
2) The solution is not being covered in the press.

Businesses that Solve Pollution

Open Source Tesla Cars
Archimedes Wind Turbines
Maglev Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Innovative Waste Disposal.
Industrial Hemp and Bamboo.
Businesses that Solve Pollution

- Graduates of the future will set up decentralized electricity systems.

-They will design innovative funding models to help homeowners fund
wind turbines.

-They'll refine Maglev VAWTs, and make DVD's and workshops teaching
people how to home produce turbines.

-They will join the open source electric car industry, and set up
auxiliary firms producing Tesla add ons.

- They will resurrect industrial hemp

- They'll make the bamboo industry explode.

What devices could solve water scarcity and create jobs?

Five Businesses that Solve Water Scarcity

- Atmospheric Water Generators
- Lifesaver bottles.
- Lifestraws.
- Ozone Machines
- Portable Water Disinfection Kits.

-Atmospheric water generators (1000USD+) can provide 25 liters of
water from the air. AWG's can provide 12 liters even in dry climates.
Australia and the Arab world have not yet heard of this technology.

- Lifesaver bottles (150USD) can provide liters of water per day.

- The Lifestraw (25USD) can filter dirty water for a year.

-Ozone, SSKI iodine and portable chlorine dioxide can also help
disinfect water for pennies per liter.

- Fog collectors can provide up to 400 liters of water per day in
mountain locations.


I have a few good ideas. But really, I am just a stupid white man.

I do not know your individual problems, economies and agricultural soil.

I cannot understand everything about your country, but I can give you
a mechanism where
you can solve these problems yourselves.

There is no one size fits all solution for every situation.

In a country of 260 million people. Whenever there is a problem,
someone, somewhere will have the answer.

The problem is the answers are hidden, and communication is poor.

So I propose Indonesia uses the crowdsolving wiki technique, to
collaborate and find localized solutions for
each specific problem.

Indonesia is already famous for embracing the digital revolution more
than other countries.

When I lived there I saw corruption exposed by crowds on Twitter and Facebook.

If you set up a small wikisite using this plan, maybe the whole of
Indonesia can move forward twenty
years in the space of five:



How could Wiki communities crowdsolve major world problems as quickly
as possible?

Aim: Provide a region by region platform for crowdsolving major world problems.


1. Wikipedia documents our world precisely.
2. WikiHow shows us an active exit route to many problems.
3. Wikinesia would focus *only* on six major questions:

1. How could world hunger be solved?
2. How could world water supply problems be solved?
3. How could world nutrition problems be alleviated?
4. How could world financial inequality be solved?
5. How could world pollution be solved?
6. How does development impact population growth?

10,000 Subquestions

These six major questions branch out into myriad subquestions.

Example: Water in Nigeria.

How can Nigeria's water pollution issues be solved?


How can Bilharzia in Northern Nigeria best be eradicated?


What are the best pharmaceutical/nutritional agents for dealing with Bilharzia?


Northern Nigeria has a deficit of how many liters of clean water per day?


What is the approximate cost in USD of providing water purifying
devices to Northern Nigeria?



Can we crowdwrite a comprehensive, active guide to localized problem solving?

Random questioners log on and click through to their specific problem
in their region.

1) An entrepreneur wants to bring water technology to Jakarta.
2) A family wants a back garden vertical farm in Timor.
3) A student wants to stimulate a weak economy in a Southern
Javanese town.

Eventually, all these questions could be answered in multiple languages.

The final document may only be a few hundred pages per language.


It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to
focus your energies on answers - not excuses. William Arthur Ward

Is there a problem?

Is there demand?

Do we have the skills to solve it?



Someone needs to set this up.


Rise of the Ultralights

This change won't happen overnight. Not in one month, or even one year. We cannot set these things up quickly. But tonight, we can day dream.

 Half these businesses could be started for less than 500 bucks. Wide open markets. Units rolling out. Loose networks can outmanoevure aging, sclerotic hierarchies.

What happens a person decides what he wants, and silently sets an intention?

Twenty years ago no-one had mobiles, Twitter, or Facebook.

Focus. Breathe. 

Where will I be five years from now?

Vultures are circling.

I don't want to live in a Clockwork-Orange-Robocop dystopia. I don't want my town writhing under corporate dominated banking, fumbling entrepreneurs, endemic mineral deficiencies, rip off GMO supplements, choke-oil-trains, and centralized farming.

End goal: create a livable neighborhood.

I want to see crowdfunding classes at the local nightschool, and a walk-in crowdfinancing portal in the high street. Sachets of pure magnesium in 7-11. Can my neighbors grow fresh food on a hundred rooftops or window gardens? I want to turn on the news and see hunger being solved with ultrafast 3 day organic crops (Alfalfa!!!!) and mass solar dehydration. Open source electric cars, hyper-efficient wind turbines. Most of all, I dream jobs from 10,000 ethical startups.

Thanks for listening,


Twitter: @Frodonomics

Appendix A:

Solution Supermarkets

All these fancy ideas boil down to one hypothetical ethical supermarket. 

Cram all of the above technologies under one roof. Call it...I don't know. Liberty-mart, Solution Supermarket, Fat Freddies Freedom Emporium. Call it anything. 

Step One:

Wait for demand: Don't waste time buying inventory.

Step Two: Sell small amounts online.

(((To be updated)))

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